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LEKUE Mini Baguette Bread

Earn 2.490 Reward Points
Rp484.000 Rp249.000

10 in stock

SKU: 0203100M10M017 Categories: ,


Healthy: Bread is a basic food need. It is low in fat and high in fibre, it provides carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins.

The micro-perforated mould enables you cool the bread inside the mould, without the base of the bread getting wet or becoming soft. You get a crispier bread on all sides.

Ideal for your baguette sandwiches.

Easy to use. The mould has optimal flexibility and stability, guaranteeing maximum safety when handling.

Easy to take out of its mould and non-stick.

Material Platinum  Silicone
Temperature -60 to + 220°C
Mesurment 200 x 290 x 21.5 mm.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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